
Class Rules

Useful Documents

Measurement Questions

Asked on 10th April 2024

Can a boat use titanium or alloy bolts in place of the standard stainless-steel bolts?

Answered on 10th April 2024


The Cape 31 International One-Design Class Rules are closed class rules (preamble to part II).

The World Sailing Equipment Rules of Sailing 2021-2024 define Closed Class Rules (ERS C.2.2) as “Class Rules where anything not specifically permitted by the Class Rules is prohibited.”

Accordingly, the absence of the class rules specifically allowing replacement of stainless-steel bolts provided with the boat is prohibited.

Any boat which has made such a modification of bolts must replace titanium or alloy bolts with stainless steel bolts of similar size, weight and type to the original supplied bolts to be deemed in compliance with the class rules.

Andy Wibroe

International Class Measurer

Asked on 10th April 2024

Can a 3D printed section be bonded to the keel fin or any other underwater appendage to help with fairing?

Answered on 11th April 2024


Class rule E.2.3(a) states:

“The hull appendages shall not be altered or modified from the state supplied by the LBM in any way except as permitted by the class rules.”

The World Sailing Equipment Rules of Sailing define modification as (ERS C.7.2): “Work resulting in a change to the original condition.” and fairing as (ERS C.7.1(h)): “The addition and/or removal of material to alter the shape.”

Accordingly, the addition of a section to the keel (3D printed or otherwise) is fairing which is a form of modification as it alters the shape therefore changing the original condition and is prohibited.

Andy Wibroe

International Class Measurer

Asked on 15th April 2024

Can you drill holes in the jib tracks between the original maunfature's holes to allow for more jib sheeting positions?

Answered on 18th April 2024


The Cape 31 International One Design Class Rules are closed class rules (Part II preamble). The World Sailing Equipment Rules of Sailing define closed class rules as (ERS C.2.2): “Class rules where anything not specifically permitted by the class rules is prohibited.”

As the class rules do not specifically refer to the addition of holes to the jib tracks any addition of holes to the jib tracks is prohibited.

Andy Wibroe

International Class Measurer

Asked on 18th April 2024

Is it permitted to leave the jib halyard on the clutch and then run a jib tack /Cunningham rope around the forestay pin and then aft to the jib fairlead where it turns 140degrees and hooks onto the same jib halyard purchase which is dead ended in exactly the same current use. This proposal requires no extra fittings nor will it increase purchase .

Answered on 19th April 2024


The use of an existing purchase system for a differing purpose is not permitted.

The Cape 31 International One Design Class Rules are closed class rules (Part II preamble). the World Sailing Equipment Rules of Sailing define closed class rules as (ERS C.2.2): "Class rules where anything not specifically permitted by the class rules is prohibited."

Accordingly, only the purchase systems listed in class rule F.6.3(a) can be used for the purposes mentioned in that rule.

In this case a jib halyard purchase system is permitted as it is listed in rule F.6.3(a)(ii). A jib downhaul/ Cunningham purchase system is not listed in rule F.6.3(a) and is therefore prohibited even if configured using otherwise permitted parts and fittings.

Andy Wibroe

International Class Measurer

Asked on 25th April 2024

Can we remove our boat’s kelp cutter?

Answered on 1st May 2024

Providing the correct procedure is followed, the removal of a kelp cutter may be permitted.

The exact extent of work undertaken to remove the kelp cutter is subject to prior approval.

Whilst the Class Rules do not permit modifications to equipment supplied by a licenced manufacturer, a specific request can be made for a dispensation from the relevant class rules (as per class rule A.3.4) if the result were equipment that would otherwise comply with the rules. In this case a request to change from one permitted configuration (Keel with licenced builder supplied kelp cutter) to another (The specifications of the licenced builder for a keel without kelp cutter).

Such a request should follow this procedure:

  • A written request is submitted by the owner or their representative to detailing the requested works;
  • The request should include images of the affected area and a description of the requested works;
  • The Class Measurer will review (and seek further information as necessary), consult with the designer and licensed manufacturer to ensure the requested works will maintain the boat within the building specifications and not otherwise affect performance of the boat;
  • The Executive Committee will review the request with supporting information from the Class Measurer, Designer and Builder, as applicable;
  • A written response will be given by email and where granted, detail any limitations to the works and any required verification by a class authorised measurer to be undertaken after the works;
  • The details of the works will be appended to the boat’s certificate; and
  • The owner or their representative is to ensure the works conducted abide by any limitations specified by the class.

Note: This Q&A portal is intended to address general principles of the class rules to give members of the class further guidance and transparency from the Class Measurer on what is and is not permissible. It is not intended to be used to address specific requests to conduct works on a specific boat which may require approval from the Class Executive Committee.

Andy Wibroe

International Class Measurer

Asked on 20th May 2024

The following question was previously posted on the class website and has been considered by the class measurer ahead of posting to CMS.

Can a boat have 'on-deck' downwind jib Sheets?

Answered on 20th May 2024


Class rule F.6.2(a)(v) permits headsail sheets. The Class Rules do not otherwise control the use of headsail sheets and accordingly the sheeting position is at a boat’s discretion providing no fittings are installed for this purpose that are not otherwise permitted.

Andy Wibroe

International Class Measurer

Asked on 20th May 2024

The following question was previously posted on the class website and has been considered by the class measurer ahead of posting to CMS.

Can holes be drilled in the cockpit sides to install traveller blocks and a traveller take up system?

Answered on 20th May 2024


The Cape 31 International One Design Class Rules are closed class rules (preambular paragraphs to part II). The World Sailing Equipment Rules of Sailing define closed class rules as (ERS C.2.2): “Class rules where anything not specifically permitted by the class rules is prohibited.”

The only class rule that allows the addition of holes to any part of a boat is D.1.3(g) which is specifically for the fitting of an electronic navigation system. Accordingly, the absence of any other rule allowing the addition of holes to a boat means the addition of holes, in this case to the cockpit for the purpose of installing traveller blocks is prohibited.

Andy Wibroe

International Class Measurer

Asked on 20th May 2024

The following question was previously posted on the class website and has been considered by the class measurer ahead of posting to CMS.

Can holes be drilled in the cockpit sides to allow the fine tune to be 'endless'?

Answered on 20th May 2024


The Cape 31 International One Design Class Rules are closed class rules (preambular paragraphs to part II). The World Sailing Equipment Rules of Sailing define closed class rules as (ERS C.2.2): “Class rules where anything not specifically permitted by the class rules is prohibited.”

The only class rule that allows the addition of holes to any part of a boat is D.1.3(g) which is specifically for the fitting of an electronic navigation system. Accordingly, the absence of any other rule allowing the addition of holes to a boat means the addition of holes, in this case to the cockpit for the purpose of making the fine tune ‘endless’ means such holes are not permitted.

Andy Wibroe

International Class Measurer

Asked on 20th May 2024

The following question was previously posted on the class website and has been considered by the class measurer ahead of posting to CMS.

Can the crew be weighed at any time during a regatta?

Answered on 20th May 2024


Class rule C.2.2 (table) limits the crew weight which must be complied with at all times whilst racing. Class rule C.2.2(b) makes reference to events having random crew weighing which is envisaged to take place during class events.

Event instructions (Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions) make provision for equipment inspection which will specify how and when random crew weighing will be conducted. The class standard is to select 3 boats at random after racing is finished and these boats will be notified and given 1 hour to present the crew for weighing in accordance with class rule C.2.2(b). As boats are selected randomly, the same boat may be selected more than once during a regatta.

Andy Wibroe

International Class Measurer

Asked on 20th May 2024

The following question was previously posted on the class website and has been considered by the class measurer ahead of posting to CMS.

What is the penalty for a crew being overweight?

Answered on 20th May 2024


Class rule C.2.2(b) states:

"The penalty for a crew which is greater than the maximum permissible shall be disqualification from all races on the day of the weighing.”

Accordingly, a boat with crew found to have broken class rule C.2.2 (table) (which specifies the maximum crew weight) based on random crew weighing after racing will be scored DSQ in all races from that day.

Andy Wibroe

International Class Measurer

Asked on 20th May 2024

The following question was previously posted on the class website and has been considered by the class measurer ahead of posting to CMS.

Can a boat be dived during a regatta?

Answered on 20th May 2024

It depends.

Class rule C.5.4(b) and (c) control when a boat can be cleaned by a person entering the water

In a regatta of 3 days or less, a boat cannot be cleaned by a person entering the water except to remove weed.

During a regatta longer than 3 days, a boat may be cleaned by a person entering the water (with or without breathing apparatus) on the 4th and every even day thereafter (day 4, 6 and 8 etc).

Andy Wibroe

International Class Measurer

Asked on 20th May 2024

The following question was previously posted on the class website and has been considered by the class measurer ahead of posting to CMS.

Can a floating Handy Billy be attached to the boom?

Answered on 20th May 2024


The Cape 31 International One Design Class Rules are closed class rules (preambular paragraphs to part II). The World Sailing Equipment Rules of Sailing define closed class rules as (ERS C.2.2): “Class rules where anything not specifically permitted by the class rules is prohibited.”

As a ‘handy billy’ is not specified anywhere in the class rules the presence or use of one on board is prohibited.

Andy Wibroe

International Class Measurer

Asked on 20th May 2024

The following question was previously posted on the class website and has been considered by the class measurer ahead of posting to CMS.

Can the sail drive be faired?

Answered on 20th May 2024


Class rule E.2.3(a) states:

“The hull appendages shall not be altered or modified from the state supplied by the LBM in any way except as permitted by the class rules.”

The World Sailing Equipment Rules of Sailing define modification as (ERS C.7.2): “Work resulting in a change to the original condition.” and fairing as (ERS C.7.1(h)): “The addition and/or removal of material to alter the shape.”

Accordingly, fairing is a form of modification as it alters the shape therefore changing the original condition and is prohibited.

Andy Wibroe

International Class Measurer

Asked on 20th June 2024

Is a device to guide the gennaker halyard whilst hoisting (which is part of the halyard shackle and attaches to the forestay) permitted, specifically, products similar to the ‘c-slip system’ produced by “Conurban Marine”?

NB the measurer is posting this Q&A based on their own observations of the class social media accounts.

Answered on 20th June 2024


The Cape 31 International One Design Class Rules permit the use of running rigging (class rule F.6) which includes a gennaker halyard (class rule F.6.2(vi)). The class rules do not further limit the make up of running rigging.

The World Sailing Equipment Rules of Sailing (ERS) define running rigging as (ERS F.1.6): “Any equipment attached and/or connected at one or both ends to spars, sails or other rigging and capable of working in tension only. Includes associated fittings which are not permanently fixed to a hull, spar or spreader.”

Further, the ERS define fitting as (ERS C.7.1(c)): “An item, including any associated fitting, that is not part of the boat structure but is bonded or fastened to the hull, hull appendages or rig.”

As the class rules do not mention fittings as part of running rigging but permit running rigging, which the ERS defines as including associated fittings not permanently attached to hull, spars or spreaders, any fitting is allowed as part of running rigging. This includes any shackle configuration and the ‘c-slip’ components attached to the shackle used to connect the gennaker halyard to the gennaker head.

Asked on 20th June 2024

Is a device associated with another device (used to guide the gennaker halyard whilst hoisting) which is attached to the top of the forestay permitted, specifically, products similar to the ‘c-slip system’ produced by “Conurban Marine”?

NB the measurer is posting this Q&A based on their own observations of the class social media accounts.

Answered on 20th June 2024


The Cape 31 International One Design Class Rules permit the use of standing rigging (class rule F.5) which includes a forestay (class rule F.5.1(a)(i)). The class rules list the fittings that may be included in standing rigging (class rule F.5.2). Accordingly, only those fittings are permitted.

Part II of the class rules are closed class rules. The World Sailing Equipment Rules of Sailing define closed class rules as (ERS F.1.6): “Class rules where anything not specifically permitted by the class rules is prohibited.”

As a fitting forming part of a gennaker hoisting system attached to the forestay is not mentioned in the class rules, its presence and use whilst racing is prohibited due to Part II of the class rules being closed class rules.

The Class Executive has been consulted regarding the introduction of new fittings and components during the racing season. The Executive has reaffirmed the one design nature of the class and the ethos that owners should not need to buy new types of equipment during the season to remain competitive. Accordingly, any proposals to change the substance of the class rules (what a boat can and cannot have installed and used while racing) should be considered during the Annual General Meeting to propose modifications to what can and cannot be installed and used on board a Cape 31 while racing.

Any class member can approach the measurer with a written proposal to change the class rules as per constitution provision 10.B for development and consideration at the next membership meeting. Such proposals should be emailed to

Asked on 7th September 2024

Please can you clarify when a boat is allowed to be dived when there is no racing on the first day?

Answered on 7th September 2024

Class rule C.5.4 applies during a regatta. It states:


(a) Boats shall not be hauled out during a regatta, except with prior permission of the Class Authority in exceptional circumstances.

(b) During a regatta of 3 days or less, a boat shall not be cleaned by a person entering the water except to remove weed or to check for damage.

(c) If a regatta is longer than 3 days a boat may be cleaned by a person entering the water either with or without breathing apparatus on the 4th day and every second day thereafter i.e. day 4, 6, 8 etc.”

In this context, a regatta starts on the first day of scheduled racing irrespective of when the first race is started or completed. The regatta ends at the conclusion of the last race, or when AP over A or N over A are displayed, on the final scheduled day of the event.