
Asked by Andy Wibroe on 20 May 2024, 3:35 p.m. Approved

<p>Question 13:</p><p> The following question was previously posted on the class website and has been considered by the Technical Officer ahead of posting to CMS. </p> <p>Can the sail drive be faired?</p>


Answered by Andy Wibroe on 20 May 2024, 3:36 p.m.


Class rule E.2.3(a) states:

โ€œThe hull appendages shall not be altered or modified from the state supplied by the LBM in any way except as permitted by the class rules.โ€ As "modified" is in bold it is used in its defined sense according to the Equipment Rules of Sailing.

The World Sailing Equipment Rules of Sailing define modification as (ERS C.7.2): โ€œWork resulting in a change to the original condition.โ€ and fairing as (ERS C.7.1(i)): โ€œThe addition and/or removal of material to alter the shape.โ€

Accordingly, fairing is a form of modification as it alters the shape therefore changing the original condition and is prohibited.

Andy Wibroe

Technical Officer