<p>Question 15:</p><p>Is a device associated with another device (used to guide the spinnaker halyard whilst hoisting) which is attached to the top of the forestay permitted, specifically, products similar to the ‘c-slip system’ produced by “Conurban Marine”? </p> <p>NB the Technical Officer posted this Q&A based on their own observations of the class social media accounts. </p>
The Cape 31 International One Design Class Rules permit the use of standing rigging (class rule F.5) which includes a forestay (class rule F.5.1(a)(i)). The class rules list the fittings that may be included in standing rigging (class rule F.5.2). Accordingly, only those fittings are permitted.
Part II of the class rules are closed class rules. The World Sailing Equipment Rules of Sailing 2025 - 2028 define closed class rules as (ERS C.2.2): “Class rules where anything not specifically permitted by the class rules is prohibited.”
As a fitting forming part of a spinnaker hoisting system attached to the forestay is not mentioned in the class rules, its presence and use whilst racing is prohibited due to Part II of the class rules being closed class rules.
The Class Executive Committee has been consulted regarding the introduction of new fittings and components during the racing season. The Executive has reaffirmed the one design nature of the class and the ethos that owners should not need to buy new types of equipment during the season to remain competitive. Accordingly, any proposals to change the substance of the class rules (what a boat can and cannot have installed and used while racing) should be considered during the Annual General Meeting to propose modifications to what can and cannot be installed and used on board a Cape 31 while racing.
Any class member can approach the Technical Officer with a proposal to change the class rules as per constitution provision 13.1.2 for development and consideration at the next membership meeting. Such proposals should be emailed to measurer@cape31class.com.
Andy Wibroe
Technical Officer