<p>Question 21:</p> <p>Considering the Inshore nature of the races in Sanremo can we use Spinlock 50N lifejackets that we bought for this yacht? Those are the ones used successfully in many other classes.</p>
As described in Question and Answer 17 above, a boat may choose to take on board personal flotation devices.
However, a boat MUST carry lifejackets meeting the Offshore Special Regulation Category 4 (150N meeting the ISO 12402-3 standard or equivalent) in order to meet class rule C.1.1(b).
The Technical Committee (as per racing rule 92) at an event is not authorised to relax the class rules, only the Class Authority may consider issuing a dispensation to the class rules as per Class Rule A.3.4.
In addition, the authorisation for the Technical Committee at the 2024 European Championships to use the dispensation ability in class rule A.3.4, as detailed in Measurement Notice #1 for that event, is limited to deviations that were implemented to boats before the event that cannot be rectified at the event due to the degree of work required. This does not cover the carriage of safety equipment which does not require structural alterations to the boat in order to comply with the rules.
Andy Wibroe
Technical Officer