
Asked by Peter Greenhalgh on 18 Apr 2024, 5:09 p.m. Approved

Is it permitted to leave the jib halyard on the clutch and then run a jib tack /Cunningham rope around the forestay pin and then aft to the jib fairlead where it turns 140degrees and hooks onto the same jib halyard purchase which is dead ended in exactly the same current use. This proposal requires no extra fittings nor will it increase purchase .


Answered by Andy Wibroe on 19 Apr 2024, 3:29 p.m.


The use of an existing purchase system for a differing purpose is not permitted.

The Cape 31 International One Design Class Rules are closed class rules (Part II preamble). the World Sailing Equipment Rules of Sailing define closed class rules as (ERS C.2.2): "Class rules where anything not specifically permitted by the class rules is prohibited."

Accordingly, only the purchase systems listed in class rule F.6.3(a) can be used for the purposes mentioned in that rule.

In this case a jib halyard purchase system is permitted as it is listed in rule F.6.3(a)(ii). A jib downhaul/ Cunningham purchase system is not listed in rule F.6.3(a) and is therefore prohibited even if configured using otherwise permitted parts and fittings.

Andy Wibroe

International Class Measurer