
Asked by Andy Wibroe on 20 May 2024, 3:24 p.m. Approved

<p>Question 7:</p><p> The following question was previously posted on the class website and has been considered by the Technical Officer ahead of posting to CMS. </p> <p> Can holes be drilled in the cockpit sides to install traveller blocks and a traveller take up system? </P>


Answered by Andy Wibroe on 20 May 2024, 3:24 p.m.


The Cape 31 International One Design Class Rules are closed class rules (preambular paragraphs to part II). The World Sailing Equipment Rules of Sailing 2025 - 2028 define closed class rules as (ERS C.2.2): β€œClass rules where anything not specifically permitted by the class rules is prohibited.”

The only class rule that allows the addition of holes to any part of a boat is D.1.3(g) which is specifically for the fitting of an electronic navigation system. Accordingly, the absence of any other rule allowing the addition of holes to a boat means the addition of holes, in this case to the cockpit for to install traveller blocks is prohibited.

Andy Wibroe

Technical Officer