<p>Question 8:</p><p> The following question was previously posted on the class website and has been considered by the class measurer ahead of posting to CMS. </p> <p> Can holes be drilled in the cockpit sides to allow the fine tune to be 'endless'? </p>
The Cape 31 International One Design Class Rules are closed class rules (preambular paragraphs to part II). The World Sailing Equipment Rules of Sailing define closed class rules as (ERS C.2.2): “Class rules where anything not specifically permitted by the class rules is prohibited.”
The only class rule that allows the addition of holes to any part of a boat is D.1.3(g) which is specifically for the fitting of an electronic navigation system. Accordingly, the absence of any other rule allowing the addition of holes to a boat means the addition of holes, in this case to the cockpit for the purpose of making the fine tune ‘endless’ means such holes are not permitted.
Andy Wibroe
International Class Measurer