Stig - ITA3176 Protesting Eker Süzme - TUR3150

Complete None

Requested By

Stig - ITA3176
Represented by
Manuel Weiller
How did you notify other parties
Hailing protest and showing the red flag

Other Parties

Eker Süzme - TUR3150


Just before the start of race 10, bow number 50 overlaped us from leward leaving no space at all for reaction and no time to keep clear when they crashed into us breaking rules 14 and 15. We had to retire due to the damage caused.


Procedural Matters

Jury: Craig Mitchell (Chair) - IJ - GBR;

Jean Miltiade Bouyoukas - IJ - FRA;

David Hudson - IJ - RSA (remote);

Alessandro Pezzoli - NJ - ITA;

Tom Cheney - GBR.

Jury Member Craig Mitchell witnessed the scenario and presented evidence.

Facts Found


There was damage that caused Stig to retire which was known to both boats.


Wind: 12-14 knots, Wave height 0.5m

Approximately 20 seconds before the start, Stig was on starboard tack above a close hauled course with a boat speed of 2 knots.

Eker Süzme was clear astern of Stig traveling at 4 knots also on starboard tack

Eker Süzme overlapped to leeward of Stig at a distance of 1m and subsequently changed course to windward above close hauled.

Stig continued to stay above close hauled.

5 seonds after the overlap was established, there was contact between the boats.

There was damage caused to Stig which was a broken stanchion on the port side and a crack in the push pit on the port side.

Eker Süzme continued in the race and Stig retired.



At the time of the incident it was obvious to both boats that serious damage resulted and the protest is valid under rule 61.1(a)(4).


Eker Süzme aquired right of way through her own actions and initially failed to give room to keep clear to Stig and broke rule 15 and by luffing she also broke rule 16.

Eker Süzme made contact with Stig and broke rule 14.

At the point it was clear to Stig that Eker Süzme was not giving room to keep clear, it was not reasonably possible for Stig to avoid contact and she did not break rule 14.


Eker Süzme is disqualified from race 10.

Stig is granted redress in race 10 of points equal to the average of her scores in all other races excluding the final race and other races in which she has been awared redress.