Terrible Joy - GBR 3116X Requesting Redress

Complete 9 Nov 2024, 5:30 p.m.

Requested By

Terrible Joy - GBR 3116X
Represented by
Will Sargent
How did you notify other parties

Other Parties

Solano - FRA 53422, Race Committee, Protest Committee


At the start of race 6 we started midline behind the line according to our pings. After the start, a sound signal was made with no flag dispalyed. Poor radio communication made it impossible to understand. Approximately 30 seconds after the start a clearer radio message was read and we were called ocs. After the redress request by Sting (who started to leeward of us and bow even) prooved the race commitee made an error we are requesting redress. We went back behind the line soon after Sting when the X flag was displayed.


Procedural Matters

Jury: Craig Mitchell (Chair) - IJ - GBR; Jean Miltiade Bouyoukas - IJ - FRA; David Hudson - IJ - RSA (remote); Alessandro Pezzoli - NJ - ITA; Tom Cheney - GBR.

Facts Found

4 minutes before the start, the Race Committee displayed flag 'P'. At the start time, the Race Committee removed the class flag and made a sound signal followed by a second sound signal with no additional visual signal. At start time The Bodfather and Solano were on the course side and identified by the Race Committee. 15 seconds after the start time the Race Committee displayed flag 'X'. The Bodfather and Solano returned to the pre-start side of the start line and re-crossed the start line. The Bodfather finished in 17th position and Solano finished 13th.


The Bodfather's and Solano's scores were made significantly worse through no fault of their own by the delay in the race committee displaying flag 'X', which was an improper action.

The Bodfather and Solano are granted redress.


The redress granted to The Bodfather and Solano is the mid-point between the average of their race scores in all other races except the final race and this race, but not worse than their scores in race 6.